

Volunteer with us

Interested in what we do? We’d love to hear from you!

We are currently recruiting volunteers for the Arcade Fire tour in Europe and the UK during Nov/Dec 2010. To join us, visit the Arcade Fire volunteer page.

Make an impact

Volunteers are a huge part of Lokahi – our programs wouldn’t work without volunteers, and our goal is to match people that are passionate with opportunities that connect them to what they care about in a meaningful way, and to provide them with trainings and skills that better enable them to make an impact.

To volunteer with Lokahi, please fill out our volunteer form – we’ll add you to our volunteer data base and contact you when volunteer opportunities arrise. You will also get the occasional email about other opportunities – jobs, internships and campus programs.

We value those who give up their time to volunteer for our projects, and always take great efforts to ensure that we have a program that is run with the utmost professionalism. When you come out and volunteer with us, you’ll find a team that is respectful, trains you thoroughly, makes effective use of your time and leaves you with the ability to continue your important work.

Register and plug in

After you register, you'll be on the email lists for whatever cities/regions you select. Whenever we are in that area with a volunteer opportunity, you'll be notified. You can always and easily unsubscribe from any or all lists that you join.

Asterisks (*) signify a required field. Please note we only ask age for reference for any 18+ or 21+ events.

First Name: *

Last Name: *

Age: *

Email Address: *

Cell Phone: *
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Nearest Major City: *
Select up to five cities/regions that you can volunteer in and would like to be notified of for volunteer opportunities. On a PC, hold down Control and click to select multiple cities. On a Mac, hold down the apple/command key and click to select multiple cities.

Previous Volunteer Experience:

School (if student):